This post has graced many of my favorite blogs lately and I thought it only appropriate I play along!
making: always.
cooking: if constructing turkey sandwiches on whole grain bread thins is cooking, since that is all my time allows, then yes!
drinking: too too much coffee.
reading: my new book,
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
wanting: for a big house with ever stretching white walls and light, nooks and crannies, and wood floors.
looking: for a perfect thrift shop with perfect vintage furniture + trinkets for the wedding.
playing: Sia's most perfect new album.
wasting: too much time being plugged in.
sewing: if only I knew how.
wishing: for autumn and noel seasons.
enjoying: this day that seems to think it is fall when it's midsummer -- the rain and fog are magic.
waiting: for our apartment to be ready.
liking: that darling half up top knot trend.
wondering: what our children will look like.
loving: abundantly.
hoping: for strength.
marveling: over the literal
color of the universe.
needing: a slow morning followed by a spontaneous, soul-filling day.
smelling: warm thunder and misting rain on quite the emblematic Seattle afternoon.
wearing: gym clothes, for always and always.
following: an intense 12-week workout plan (see above).
noticing: increasing feelings of fulfillment.
knowing: I need to photograph more.
thinking: about the sweetest, most vivid dreams I've been having.
bookmarking: a few pages in
The Four Agreements, but very disappointed in the book as a whole.
opening: a new life chapter soon.
giggling: at silly commercial voice-overs,
as such.
feeling: at the precipice of adventure.