We had quite the lovely Valentine’s Day last weekend, and I must include it was also Daniel’s birthday because it’ll always be his birthday more. It has gotten to a point where I almost need to count on my fingers how many Valentines we’ve spent together and even though we've reached lucky number 7, it was just as sweet. I remember how he hid a promise ring for me in a plant on our first Valentine’s Day together. Or how we shooed his parents upstairs so we could have some fettuccine with homemade alfredo sauce straight out of the tub from Costco. Or how we completed the night by watching Across the Universe and ate chocolate covered strawberries with "Strawberry Fields Forever" playing softly in the background as we laughed and acted like the freshly turned 18-year-olds we were.
This year, though we may have had to work, though we were greeted with the same struggle of trying to go out on his birthday while every other couple would be doing the same thing, and even though we decided on going to the gym and then having some teriyaki with my parents, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. The next morning was breakfast at our favorite corner bakery, a movie, then dinner, and froyo. We like to do holidays big, because blessings are meant to be celebrated. These are a part of his Valentine’s Day gift; letters to open during any situation. Yes, handwritten letters on stationary including envelopes you have to lick to secure because technology has ruined some of the most special things in life. Anyway, a few are: open when you need comfort, open when you need a laugh, and open when you turn 24 years old.
Love should be celebrated all the time, and I’m so thankful to have a life full to the brim of it with this sweet man. I hope you all had just as perfect a love day as we did.
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