To say my life has changed drastically since we last spoke would be an incredible understatement. First, I am now a married woman! Daniel and I got married on July 31, 2015 and it was the dreamiest, most intimate ethereal garden wedding. I wish I could bottle up that day in an elegant perfume vial to open and breathe in its aura. I can't tell you how many times we've gazed over the photos. Our photographer was an angel.
I've missed writing and creating more than anything, but life happened in a million big ways and I will never be sorry for that. I'm sitting here in near disbelief, heart swelling, at how our future is panning out. It will be a real adventure.
So here's to more of these, I have a lot to tell you.
I will only advice every other woman TRYING TO GET PREGNANT or have FALLOPIAN TUBE issues, PCOS and other infertility problem to do their research and don’t base your option only on anyone’s advise, I did and it resulted in waste of money and time. I Contact Dr Eka on ( dreka14demons@gmail.com) because I have discover Dr Eka. long time ago and I would have been pregnant earlier if I follow my heart and buy the herbal Medication but I disregard it because of my doctor’s advice and I am annoyed at myself but at the same time I am happy that I made the wise decision by going back to Dr Eka, for his Herbal Medication. Now I am a strong believer of this Herbal herbs natural medicine. Thank You. Dr Eka for bringing this joy into my home am so happy at last am now a mother & am the happiest woman on earth thank god i came back to your Herbal Medication. I know so many marriages out there finding it difficult to conceive I will surely encourage them to have fate and contact Dr Eka & BUY his Herbal Medication.